Complaints Procedure
We are aware that errors do sometimes occur, and where this happens, it is our intention to minimise any inconvenience and resolve any outstanding issues at the earliest opportunity.
Already a Duchy Homes homeowner? For a list of our homeowners’ frequently asked questions or to speak with a dedicated member of our aftercare team, please visit our Customer Service page.
Step 1
Customer Care department
Our local teams are empowered to resolve most of your enquiries and so your first point of contact should be with the Customer Service department.
Email: customerservice@duchyhomes.co.uk
Phone: 0113 539 7966
Phone: 0113 539 7966
Step 2
Head of Customer Care
If your enquiry has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please get in touch with the Head of Customer Service.
Email: paul.moran@duchyhomes.co.uk
Phone: 0113 524 5154
Phone: 0113 524 5154
Step 3
Construction Director
We hope that your query has been resolved at this stage, but if not, we will provide you with the details of the Construction Director.